Building with 2 houses and a food packaging facility

Έτος2016ΤοποθεσίαN. EviaΤεχνοτροπίαΠλήρωση αχυρόμπαλας σε υπάρχοντα φορέα από μπετό, ασβεστοκονιάματαΣχεδιασμόςΣταγόνες (προσαρμογή της υφιστάμενης μελέτης για πλήρωση με αχυρόμπαλα και επανασχεδιασμός λειτουργίας και κλιμακοστασίου κατοικίας ορόφου)ΚατασκευήΣταγόνες (μετά την περάτωση του φορέα)Σχεδιασμός και κατασκευή Σταγόνες (μετά την περάτωση του φορέα)

In January 2016, we were called upon to continue the construction of a building, for which the concrete frame had already been built. The building consisted of a rental room and a food packaging facility on the ground floor, and a house on the first floor.

Straw bale was chosen as the infill material, thus the construction details were adapted to create synergy between the three materials: concrete, straw, and wood. Additionally, the operation of the packaging facility and the residential floor, which was a duplex with a very small footprint, were addressed in the design.

In July 2016, we began the construction work, in which the owners actively participated. A large portion of the interior finishing was carried out by the owners themselves.