Where: Vlachia, Evia
When: From 17/6 to 20/6 2016 Arrival of participants on Friday 17th, to set tents and to get to know each other.
Subjects covered:
◦ Επιλογή κατάλληλων υλικών
◦ Cob constructions
◦ Strawbale constructions
◦ Foundations
◦ Natural Plasters
Practical training
◦ Construction of cob wall
◦ Construction of rocket mass heater
General Information:
– Daily hands-on activities from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Theory from 15:00 to 16:00
• Free afternoon for walks on the mountain or the sea
• Maximum number of participants 20 people
• Participation cost: 90 Euros. This includes breakfast, light lunch, dinner.
Participants stay at their own tents
If you wish to participate please fill the form below and you will then receive an e-mail with all the necessary information. Contact phone number +30 6942 83 82 11 (Yiannis Papatheodorou)