Hammock Beach Bar

Έτος2019ΤοποθεσίαN. EviaΤεχνοτροπίαΑσβεστοκονιάματαΣχεδιασμός και κατασκευήStagones

Hammock is a beach bar located on Pilion Beach in Evia. It offers drinks, small meals, and water sport activities. The owners wanted to give the place a fresh yet unassuming character.

The bar’s silhouette was designed so as to be prominent in the area, separating communal from private functions and capable of accommodating about 15 people.

Natural lime plasters were chosen to dress both the bar and the walls that feature built-in shelves. Additionally, the flooring around the bar was designed as a wooden deck made up of rough, unprocessed large cross-section timber.